01132 433 133 / feedme@relishfood.co.uk
Relish Food’s Environmental Statement.
01/01/24 (reviewed annually)
Relish Food recognises that as event caterers our work does have both a direct and indirect impact on the local, regional and global environment.
We are committed to minimising our negative impacts and by acting in a sustainable way, meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to fulfil their own needs. We hope that by minimising our carbon footprint we encourage our customers to do so as well.
Our green policy is to constantly seek ways in which we can improve our environmental credentials. Our green strategy is aligned with our environmental policy and catering codes of practice on waste and environmental protection.
We aim to encourage our staff to be responsible green citizens
and it is our intention to operate our business in an environmentally-friendly was as we can.
Using biodegradable products where possible such as, cups/cutlery, etc.
Recycling all our cardboard/tin/ plastic and glass.
Reducing waste at every opportunity.
Reducing food waste by not over stocking, and by re distributing any excess foods /stock where possible.
Considering the environmental impacts in our purchasing.
Reusing materials at every opportunity.(e.g. serving platters)
Hiring out our own crockery / cutlery when possible so as to use less disposables.
Repair, rather than throw away, when we can.
All of our used cooking oil is taken from our unit and returned to the supplier to recycle, it is then re-used as bio-fuel.
We reuse, or recycle all of our incoming packaging materials like cardboard etc.
We minimise our use of paper. Key information about British Event Catering is readily available on this site. The increasing use of e-mail greatly reduces the volume of paper used in hard copy correspondence, envelopes and letters. Processing information electronically is also much more energy and carbon efficiency than physically sending a hard copy.
Our consumption of fuel and energy is very closely monitored and we take care that it is not wasted through inefficiency or casualness. For example, we utilize visible signs to remind staff to turn off lights and water heaters when leaving the unit.
Also at quieter times of the year we reduce our freezer and fridge use and turn off any unnecessary appliances.
Where possible we will choose to source our materials from suppliers who operate in an environmentally friendly manner and who are geographically local to us to reduce delivery miles.
We will chose the vehicles we operate with fuel efficiency in mind and their fuel consumption is closely monitored.